
08 March, 2022

Women Entrepreneurs on Why They Chose Entrepreneurship

It is Sunday. You wake up in the morning, as usual and grab the newspaper to go through the headlines and you are pleasingly surprised to know that SBI is willing to step up and invest in the already troubled Yes Bank. Well, this may sound like any other acquisition news but there’s something different. What is it? Well, it is the leadership – the statement that SBI is putting at a time when the banking sector is going through one of its worst phases. Well, from being an old traditional bank which believes in playing it safe to becoming the new risktaker of the banking era – SBI has come a long way.

It is about many other women out there who have time and again, put weightage on the quote that ‘Every great accomplishment in the universe started off with a woman.’ The importance of a woman in this ecosystem and in our lives is a no-brainer. Everyone knows and acknowledges it. However, the true achievement lies in how we’ve managed to witness the social growth of women from donning several roles – a wife, a mother, a daughter, an employee, an employer and an entrepreneur as well. This has been a remarkable journey – a story that needs to be told to the universe and we thought what can be better than this day, to speak about everything that we have seen over the years, and all the roles they’ve played in our lives either directly or indirectly. We do not intend to glorify what they’ve already accomplished because what they have done for this start-up ecosystem and the change in aroma that we can feel among the business fraternity – deserves a raw and royal tribute, the most original version of themselves. So today – on International Women’s Day – here is a small glimpse of what women in business have to say about their journey in this ecosystem. Let’s hear from her:

Shrishti Bhandari – Executive Director and Chief Marketing Officer, Mangalam Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Entrepreneurship, in my opinion, is having the ability to dream and having the fire in the belly to chase it. Over the years, women have managed to break the stereotypes and make a mark across various sectors such as defence, space, engineering, manufacturing, etc. Women are known to be more organized, diligent and possess great people skills that are an asset to entrepreneurship.

After having worked for several renowned companies, I chose entrepreneurship as it gave me the opportunity to utilise my technical expertise and transform my creative ideas into reality. At Mangalam Information Technologies, we have also instituted measures to foster a women-friendly culture as women comprise 30% of our workforce. Mangalam has implemented a pathbreaking initiative wherein it has created an exclusive night shift WFH platform for women to provide an opportunity to those with working constraints. Mangalam thrives on building a strong work culture and pride in its people and achieves this goal through inter-department employee engagement activities, an open-door policy, and other initiatives such as annual health checkups, anti-sexual harassment committees, rewards and recognition programs and a hybrid work environment.

For more details you can read this article: