Mangalam has taken it as part of its CSR initiative to work with and contribute to the welfare of the Veterans and the Indian Armed Forces. We are always looking for opportunities to contribute funds for this cause, which has encouraged us to bring #PedalForOurRealHeroes, a Cyclothon, to the city of Ahmedabad this year in the month of March.
#PedalForOurRealHeroes 2020 is an initiative by Mangalam Information technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Round Table India (RTI).
This event is for the enthusiasts and amateurs who have the fire in them to be a part of a cause to make a difference as a citizen of this country for the men who spend their lives on our borders protecting us.
This event is being organised with the support of the Soldiers, Veterans, sponsors and most importantly the people of Ahmedabad.
Mangalam has taken it as part of its CSR initiative to work with and contribute to the welfare of the Veterans and the Indian Armed Forces and through this event, we want to encourage others to be a part of this cause and spread awareness to support our Indian Armed Forces.
All the collected funds from this event will be donated to the Indian Armed Forces, that helps the families of the martyrs and disabled retired army soldiers by providing them with financial support for their invaluable service.
Cycling has been sought as the most popular form of exercise and every age group can look at this event as an opportunity to work on their fitness as well.
Enjoy the ride on a beautiful Sunday morning, ride to become fit or to tick off a To-Do list! Our goal is to create fitness awareness among people.
“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations” join us in our efforts to honor and support our Armed Forces. They spend their lives protecting us, let’s come together to honor their invaluable service.
#pedalforourrealheroes #mangalamcyclothon2020 #registernow #cycling #cyclothon #cyclothon2020
We find ourselves in the midst of extraordinary circumstances on account of the Corona Virus situation.
While we have been adapting to this changing situation and are adequately geared to deliver a great Event to the people of Ahmedabad, the unraveling of events and the concerns of people on account of the same in the last couple of days has changed the situation dramatically. The Govt. of India and AMC have advised to avoid or postpone any mass gatherings till Covid-19 is contained.
Army’s order to all its formations and units to avoid/postpone all non-essential mass gatherings till the situation improves in India doesn’t allow our soldiers to be a part of the event. Since the event is for our Armed forces, it did not seem right to have the event at this time.
As responsible Organizers of the event, it is simply not in line to trivialize this issue, especially given the happenings of the last few days.
In this background, we have taken a call to cancel The Cyclothon 2020. The new dates and details would be announced once the situation improves.
We remain confident of enjoying the support and understanding from our sponsors, partners and the people of Ahmedabad at this sensitive juncture and remain committed to hosting an even more successful event at the right point in time.
We continue to be accessible for any support that we could be of, in the meantime, and look forward to our continued engagement.